Hypnosis Services
Self-hypnosis & guided
meditation for positive
Take a deep dive into your mind.
Our internal programming can create blocks to happiness and fulfillment that manifest as anxiety, fear, lack of motivation or confidence. So many of us get blocked from happiness and feel alone and disconnected as a result.
Hypnosis helps you bridge the gap between your past programming and your unlimited future.
Certified hypnotherapist Mary Battaglia explains what happens during a typical hypnosis session.
Hypnosis feels like a deeply relaxing trance state where your mind is free to find the truth within you. My approach as a hypnotherapist creates a safe, loving environment for you to explore within as I guide you to confront the blocks and heal from the pain. Your programming changes so that you can create positive changes in your life.
Hypnosis can help you get out of your way and release past traumas, heaviness, and negativity so you create a pathway that flows effortlessly toward abundance.
Hypnosis services
Just Be
hypnosis video subscription
Transformation Through Hypnosis
12-week immersive program
Cancer Healing Journey with Hypnosis and Sound
hypnosis audio subscription
Who responds best to hypnosis
In my experience as a hypnosis practitioner the people who respond best are the seekers, people open to connecting to the universe and themselves. They are actively seeking answers, desire change, and are willing to invest in themselves and their future.
Hypnosis is a collaborative process. We work together to journey within. Everyone experiences it differently. The more open you are the bigger the benefits you receive. It is a unique process for each person.
What happens during hypnosis
Hypnosis helps you let go of thoughts, which then allows you to go into the subconscious where the memories and imagination are. This is where we plant the seeds of change for programming and processing.
Through hypnosis and the sounds of instruments and voice I’ll guide you into high vibrational places that help you connect to the energy of healing, love, support and help raise you up to a new awareness of the world.
What you can connect to in these deep states is unlimited. Fears and blocks can be released allowing you the space for spiritual growth, awakening to your life purpose, cellular healing, soul repair, past life regression, and connecting with the light.

“Hypnosis can bring you even deeper within, to the superconscious where answers are found, and expansion truly takes place.”
— Mary Battaglia
Custom Hypnosis Scripts
Mary explains her process for custom hypnosis scripts.
I offer custom hypnosis scripts for individuals, integrative oncologists, health coaches, and clinics to support their work with patients and clients. One of my specialties is hypnosis scripts for cancer patients.
Coaches, clinics, and medical professionals: Please contact me so we can talk about what you need and how I can help.
Individuals: please contact me to schedule a 2-hour script writing session. In the session we create the script together to promote your healing. I read it to you in the zoom session and you receive the audio via email to listen to daily, receiving the benefits of hypnosis, relaxation, and healing.
Transformation Through Hypnosis
Please book time with Mary before purchasing.
12-week hypnosis program to build confidence and reprogram thinking
One-on-one program
Hear from Mary about the life-changing power of the Transformation Through Hypnosis program.
Transformation Through Hypnosis is a 12-week immersive hypnosis program where I am your transformation guide and work with you one -on-one via Zoom to explore your subconscious mind, expand your ability to see the world differently, and bring joy, love, and connection into your life. I can also work with groups of up to five people for this program.
Reprogram your mind and become empowered to be who you are meant to be with this tailored-to-you hypnosis program.
Transform your mind into a nurturing, loving place
Change has occurred in all our lives no matter where we live. If you are re-evaluating your life, questioning all your life choices, and feeling stressed, anxious, and afraid, you are not alone.
Your conscious mind may not realize you’re feeling this way, or you may recognize the feelings but not realize how powerful they’ve become in your life. Stress, anxiety, and fear affect every decision you make. By removing the blocks caused by negative thoughts and emotions, and understanding why you’re feeling them, you can make changes and live an unlimited life.
That’s the goal of Transformation Through Hypnosis. In the program we dive deep into the subconscious mind to understand why the anxiety, stress, and fear you’re experiencing was created within you and to understand how to gain back your control over it, so your mind becomes a nurturing, loving place. Through hypnosis you become empowered to be who you are meant to be – your authentic self, walking on your life path.
This program supports you in exploring within and expanding your consciousness. You’ll receive the guidance within yourself through hypnosis and connect to something larger than you can imagine.
Come with an open mind and give yourself permission to explore, to grow, to view the world through new lenses and draw in love, calm, happiness, and peace.
About Transformation Through Hypnosis
In Transformation Through Hypnosis, we’ll meet online weekly one-on-one over 12 weeks. You’ll be immersed in the work and the positive reinforcement of the program. I will bring in hypnosis, sound, and toning as needed to support your growth and expansion in ways you never could see were possible before.
Transformation Through Hypnosis is an intuitive program and process that can vary from client to client. I tailor the program to you and your individual objectives.
Transformation Through Hypnosis includes:
Hypnosis and sound healing customized to your individual needs.
Custom hypnosis recordings to reinforce the work and saturate the mind with the positive so that change happens.
Crystal grids to help support their change.
My audio book with more meditations.
First session is two hours; following sessions are about one hour.
Transformation Through Hypnosis will help you:
Love yourself.
Release a lifetime of fear and triggers
Learn self-hypnosis techniques that calm and relax you, build self-confidence, and break negative thinking patterns.
Remove old patterns and change the way you live and see the world.
Feel empowered, motivated, and strong.
Learn how to find or strengthen your connection to your intuition and to the energy around you.
Create and foster better personal relationships.
Get in touch with your abilities and see yourself for the beautiful, wonderful person you are.
Are you ready to remove old patterns, rewrite old programing, and create a new life and mindset with positivity?
If that’s you, and you’re open to exploring an unlimited life, I encourage you to book the program today since the program often gets sold out.
With my intuitive guidance and the tools of hypnosis and sound healing you can recreate yourself and your life and looking at life through a new set of glasses. With old triggers and blocks gone, you’ll respond to life differently. You’ll finally be “out of your own way” and free to live life the way you’re meant to live it.
Just Be self-hypnosis program
Hypnosis and guided meditation video subscription for releasing unwanted thoughts
Video subscription
Mary explains the Just Be program and its life-long benefits.
Just Be hypnosis video subscription is a 21-day program teaching self-hypnosis for clearing the mind and releasing unwanted thoughts.
Clear your mind and find peace within
In my practice I often see people feeling anxious, stressed, worried, fearful, and overwhelmed with thoughts. This went to crisis-levels during the pandemic. My response was to offer a free 15-minute meditation program for 6 weeks. By the third week people who did not know how to clear their mind were finally able to do it on their own.
Out of these transformations the Just Be program was born.
Through Just Be I want to teach you how to let go of thoughts, just like you do in self-hypnosis, and free your mind.
I still offer free 15-minute meditation on Wed at 7:30 a.m. EST and all are welcome to join.
I call hypnosis the shortcut to going into meditation hence my term “hypno-meditation.” Even people who mediate regularly find my hypno-meditation technique allows them to go into deeper states of relaxation more quickly and easily.
The goal of Just Be is for you to learn and create the habit of self-hypnosis to reduce stress and anxiety with hypno-meditation. You’ll learn how to clear your mind, gain clarity and focus, feel calm, and find peace within yourself through the practice of hypno-meditation. The Just Be program helps you create a habit of being present and in the moment, enjoying life fully, and creating a life full of hope and happiness.
About Just Be
As a subscriber you will access your account through this website.
The Just Be online 21-day program teaches you how to clear your mind and let go of unwanted thoughts.
In Just Be you’ll learn:
Self-hypnosis and mindfulness techniques for anxiety
Guided meditations for releasing negative thoughts and habits
Affirmations for gratitude and wellness
How to create a positive daily habit that can change your life
You can follow the program in order or skip around depending on the support you need that day. The important thing is consistency. Even if you have just 5 minutes on busy days, you’ll be helping yourself feel calmer and create a habit that supports your overall wellness.
The program gradually increases in amount of time per self-hypnosis meditation to get you comfortable with being still for longer periods. As you progress through the days, affirmations are added for gratitude, positive thoughts of healing, and love. I will be with you each day starting and ending the hypno-meditation.
Program fee:
$29.00 for a year’s subscription
Cancer Healing Journey with Hypnosis and Sound
Hypnosis and guided meditation audio subscription for cancer patients
Audio subscription COMING SOON
Mary outlines the Cancer Healing Journey program and its benefits.
I’m in the process of creating Cancer Healing Journey, a hypnosis and sound audio subscription program for those recently diagnosed with cancer, healing from cancer, and coping with cancer. Please contact me if you want to know more, or would like your own custom hypnosis script.
Restore your wellness with hypnosis
Having been diagnosed with cancer and a care giver of family members with cancer, I know first-hand the feelings and how overwhelming the diagnosis is.
With this program I created a place where cancer patients can retreat from the world of anxiety, stress, and fear of the unknown, and be immersed in love, support, soothing sounds, and encouraging words.
Restore, regain strength, and receive healing for the mind, body, and your whole being through Cancer Healing Journey.
This program fills the gaps in Western medicine. We need to involve the mind and spirit in the healing process. It is not just about getting rid of a tumor it is about treating the whole person.
The program helps people at every stage of cancer bring in calm and relaxation by providing mind, body, and soul support. In this self-paced hypnosis program, I teach tools to clear the mind and heal the spirit. A cancer recording for each stage of the cancer journey, from the onset of the diagnosis to acceptance, bringing in healing, and even to the comfort care and transition stage, is included in the subscription.
Many times, we feel helpless when a loved one has cancer. This is a healing cancer gift that shows your support and caring.
About Cancer Healing Journey
Access your account on this website and choose a recording based on how you feel.
Are you in pain? Are you not feeling well? Are you feeling scared and angry? Are you having surgery? I’ve recorded a hypnosis audio, with sound healing, to help you cope with what you’re experiencing in the moment.
Cancer Healing Journey is meant to help people cope with each stage of the cancer journey.
My hypnosis techniques can help ease anxiety, pain, depression, and fear, and face decisions with a strong, clear mind. I’ve designed the program to be used daily. The goal is continuity and creating a habit in your daily routine. That is where you’ll get the most out of your subscription, and the most comfort and support. New recording are added regularly.
The recordings are made by me, with my unique combination of hypnosis and sound healing. Recordings range from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. All recordings are available at the time your subscription starts. Subscribers have access to all hypnosis recordings for one year.

“Sound is deeply intuitive work for me and the instruments will guide me on which to use for you. ”
— Mary Battaglia